Vision and Mission

SmartField Vision

The use of nitrogen fertilizers in Danish agriculture not only results in higher yields and quality of agricultural crops, it also affects the nitrogen cycle by releasing nitrogen into the environment, for example through leaching into the soil or emission of the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). The emission of N2O is highly complex and based on processes related to agronomy (crop type, crop rotation, and fertilization practices), microbial life in the soil, and abiotic factors such as soil texture and structure. Since agriculture is the largest source of N2O emissions, it is imperative that the agricultural sector makes an effort to reduce this greenhouse gas to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 2°C, and preferably down to 1.5°C. Since N2O emissions are just one of several challenges in agriculture, it is important to approach this challenge holistically to avoid pollution swapping.

The vision is therefore to achieve a documented reduction of N2O emissions from Danish agriculture by 20-30% without negatively impacting yield and without increasing nitrogen release to recipients such as Danish fjords.

SmartField Mission

The mission is to develop an innovative field-level platform that enables testing and validation of technologies and field management practices aimed at reducing N2O emissions. This documentation, along with modeling tools, will form the basis for future agricultural regulations and accelerate implementation of these technologies at individual farms, ensuring that implementation is reflected in the national emissions inventory.

The overarching goal for SmartField is to establish a unique research and test platform whereby Denmark can provide a showcase for reducing N2Oemission through a targeted testing and validation system, available data models to calculate effects and economic scenarios, accelerated implementation of technologies at individual farms, and finally more accurate accounting of national greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.


SmartField will include the following activities:

  • Establishment of two state-of-the-art stationary measurement stations (Super Sites) and a mobile unit (Mobile System) that will provide continuous datasets describing the nitrogen cycle in representative Danish cropping systems. The measurement stations will also be used to measure the effects of both existing and new N2O-reducing technologies and field management practices. From 2025, companies will be invited to test their new N2O-reducing technologies in SmartField.
  • A data and modeling hub will utilize data from measurement stations, activity data from selected farms, and data from previous research projects to create process-based models for calculating national N2O emissions and developing economic scenarios for implementing N2O-reducing measures in the agricultural sector. .
  • Establishing a Science Policy Practice Forum consisting of project partners and a broad group of stakeholders from universities, agricultural innovation centers, the agricultural sector, industry organizations, ministries and agencies, industry, NGOs, think tanks, and research and development funds. The Science Policy Practice Forum will ensure dialogue and a broad understanding of how to validate and approve N2O mitigation measures, use models for future agricultural regulation, and promote the implementation of technologies at individual farms. This will support development of a system for Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) of N2O emissions based on a Tier 3 model for national emissions accounting.

Arbejdspakker i SmartField

Workpackages in SmartField